Friday 22 April 2011


eLDee recently announced an initiative created by Trybe Records called “Top Talent”. It is a platform for unsigned Nigerian artists of all genres that allows for them to showcase their talent and possibly get a record deal. The contest requires unsigned talent to enter an mp3 song for free by sending an email with their song attached. eLDee and his team of A&Rs will then listen to all entries and select the top 10. The top 10 entries will be posted on a website for free online voting by the general public. The Top Talent based on online votes will automatically get featured on eLDee’s upcoming “Is it your money Vol.2″ album including a possible music recording deal offer from Trybe Records.


To enter;

* Pls send ONE mp3 song (NO LINKS) to: You MUST be the owner of the song or recording to enter the competition. Deadline for entries is April 22, 2011 at 2:00am EST.

* All songs will go thru a pre-screening process by internal team and the best 10 songs will be posted online. Links for listening and voting will be provided at ( on April 25, 2011.

* General public will listen and vote online to narrow down to the best 3 artists.Top 3 get scrutinized further by internal team. Top 3 songs with the highest number of online votes selected on May 6, 2011 and Winner announced May 13, 2011.

Your entry will be disqualified if;

* You send more than ONE song

* You send in a collaboration song (It is difficult to tell who is who)

* You send in a song which you do not own the copyright to (It is ok to do a cover song, but you must be the artist who did the performance on the recording)


* By sending your song to, you agree that your song may be published online for streaming and voting by the general public.


Dehinde Fajana, 9ice’s manager has refused to trade words with Toni Payne, the estranged wife of the crooner who claimed Fajana was one of the people that made her marriage to crash.

In some reports, Payne had described Fajana as the brain behind the breaking up of her marriage, saying that the manager never liked her.

Fajana, however, said he wasn’t ready to react to the allegation.

“She has freedom of speech. I am not ready to exchange any words with her. All I can say is that she knows the truth and I know the truth as well. She is free to do whatever she likes and say whatever she wants to say as well,” Fajana said.

Commenting on the news that 9ice is a new father of twins, Fajana said his artiste has been busy and is still very busy.

“I still will not say anything on the matter. As I am talking to you, we are in the studios. When we are not in the studio, we are travelling all over, performing at shows. My artiste is a busy man. That is all I can tell you,” Fajana said.


One time actor and commissioner of culture and tourism in Delta Stata, Richard Mofe Damijo and singer Kefee are reportedly at war over her decision to sing a campaign song for an opposition of the incumbent governor - Uduaghan. Kefee sang a campaign song for Ogboru, another gubernatorial aspirant which sources say got under the skin of the incumbent governor and consequently indicting RMD.

Kefee informs that she has been getting text messages/SMS telling her that RMD is angry at her choice of Ogboru over Uduaghan and threatening her including saying her songs have been banned in Delta state. The singer who claims she wasn’t paid for the campaign song said a friend of hers who was part of the meeting where RMD and others discussed her case warned her to be careful with how she dealt with the actor – turned politician.

The actor turned politician taking to Twitter said he was only trying to help her make money but the singer Kefee as responded saying she is never after the material gain. The text/SMS being used to threaten the singer read: RMD orders political thugs and soldiers to beat up Kefee for recording a political song for Ogboru. Should we fold our hands and let this nonsense continue?

Responding to the text messages and SMS, RMD denies it and found the claims funny .

...GOOD FRIDAY- brief about it

Good Friday 2011 is the day on which Christians commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the act that brought salvation to all who believe. It is the culmination of Holy Week 2011, which begins on Palm Sunday 2011, and it takes place two days before Easter 2011.

Monday 17 January 2011





PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.

“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”

Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.

“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”

Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.

“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”

Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.

“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”

However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.

“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”

Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.

But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.

“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”

The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.